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ALBA Berlin hosts the OPEL SKYLINERS in game one of the Semi-Finals

It took the defending champion OPEL SKYLINERS a very challenging and tough five game series to eliminate the Artland Dragons. Now It comes to the showdown between seven time champion Alba Berlin and the current title holder from the main river, OPEL SKYLINERS. Alba Berlin had an easier run to the semi finals, by knocking out EnBW Ludwigsburg in three games. Even though Frankfurt played two games more than Alba Berlin, center Bernd Kruel thinks this could be an advantage for Frankfurt.

"We are used to these tough long five game series from last year. Alba Berlin has had a lot of rest, but we have more game rythm with the five game series and this may help us."

Eventhough the Artland Dragons played the first four games like a team from another planet, it is safe to say that the OPEL SKYLINERS were playing well below their capabilities. The strong performance by the OPEL SKYLINERS in game five came at the right time, because now they will have a lot of confidence going into game one in Berlin on Sunday. There is not much time until Sunday, but the OPEL SKYLINERS will be ready. "We will look at a lot of video, get our strategy down for game one, get the needed rest and hopefuly carry the momentum of our game five play into the Berlin series", said assistant coach Simon Cote.

Eventhough MVP candidate Chris Williams was below his game average of 20.2 points and 10.1 rebounds through four games in the Quakenbrück series, his average of 16.8 points and 8.5 rebounds is still a great effort. Williams is a team player and that showed with his personal playoff best of eight assists in game five, plus his steals and blocks, that he contributed. Captain Pascal Roller`s point total also was shaved from 14.8 points to 11.3, but he returned to his old self in game five leading all scorers, scoring 25 points. "Coach Didin had advised me to shoot more and I did that and my shots started to fall more in game five", expressed Pascal Roller. Dallas native Tyrone Ellis is getting closer to his standard strong play. He scored 18 points in game four and 16 points in game five. Ellis added that he is about 25% from his old playing ways. "I´m about 75% now. My shots are getting better, but I will take it step by step."

Alba Berlin has a very strong and talented roster. Pascal Roller will go head to head against strong point guard Gerald Brown from Los Angeles. Chicago native center Michael Wright is one of their go to guys, but on account of his suspension, will return later in the series. This could be a huge advantage for the OPEL SKYLINERS. Centers Malick Badiane and Bernd Kruel will have their hands full with 2.07m center Jovo Stanojevic from Serbia Montenegro. Another plus for Frankfurt would be to stop Stanojevic under the boards. Alba Berlin also has too very talented guards with German Stefano "Nino" Garris and German Mithat Demirel, who missed the blowout loss in march due to injuries. Their return could make a difference in this series.

Since the 2003 season, history has shown that the OPEL SKYLINERS seem to have a special five game playoff series agreement with every playoff opponent, that they face. The experts are sure, that this could also be a long five game series.Even though Alba Berlin won the BBL regular season, American Tyrone Ellis believes that they are not the favorite. "Playing the five game series against Quakenbrück helped us. I have a lot of respect for Alba Berlin, but if we had we beaten Tübingen or Braunschweig in the regular season, then we would of been in first place.There is no clear cut favorite. Any team can win on any given night. We will play to win." Game one will be on Sunday in the Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin at 17:15h.

Miles Schmidt-Scheuber reporting for the OPEL SKYLINERS