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Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:70:77So 19.01.in BonnBerichtVideo
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen
Auswärts:Di 11.02.20:00 Uhrin München

Court Side Camp @ BCM

<img src="/fileadmin/meldungsarchiv/en/Bilder/bild_20court_20side_20camp.jpg" width="200" height="288" border="0" alt="Show some skills! -
Court Side Camp in Basketball City" align="RIGHT" valign="TOP"/> In cooperation with the renowned Agency Court Side the OPEL SKYLINERS will host a Summer Camp in Frankfurt. The Camp will take place on July 2nd till July 4th in Frankfurt (Basketball City Mainhattan, Walter-Möller-Platz 1).

From the 2nd to the 4th of July there will also be an international Coach Clinic in Basketball City Mainhattan, organised by Court Side and the OPEL SKYLINERS. World- an European Champion Svetislav Pesic (FC Barcelona), Olle Lundén (Akropol BBK) and Phil Martelli (Saint Joseph Hawks, NCAA Coach of the Year) are the teachers at the international Coach Clinic.

They will give 16 lectures, 45 minutes each. In addition there will also be a guest speaker at the clinic, Marshall Glickman (Marketing Consultant Euroleague). The registration fee for the clinic will be 169 Euros. For registration you may contact <a href=&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#99;&#108;&#97;&#117;&#115;&#115;&#64;&#115;&#107;&#121;&#108;&#105;&#110;&#101;&#114;&#115;&#46;&#100;&#101;>&#83;&#116;&#101;&#118;&#101;&#110;&#32;&#67;&#108;&#97;&#117;&#115;&#115;</a>. Or you can register in Basketball City Mainhattan at the registration desk, where you can also pay the registration fee for the clinic in cash.

Since 1998 Summer Camps are organised by Court Side, the largest agency in Europe. Over 90 young basketball talents, mostly from small east-european countries, get the chance to prove their talent in front of international Coaches and Scouts from all over Europe and the NBA.

www.court-side.com Formerly, the Court Side Camps were organised in Hungary only. But now the agency has decided to move on. Court Side President Dejan Vidicki explains, why Court Side chose Frankfurt and the OPEL SKYLINERS:

"The whole infrastructure of the team is very impressive. Also the OPEL SKYLINERS are future oriented and give a lot of support to young players. Witht Basketball City Mainhattan they have started a unique project in Europe. There everything is together: Basketballcourt, Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping Malls..."

The Court Side Camp in Basketball City Mainhattan will be organised as a tournament, where eight teams are competing against each other.

Two teams, the "Challengers" and the "All Stars", have a special status. They are made up of young players from all ove Europe, who are 21 or younger. These teams will play one match against each other and can further be watched during the Coach Clinic, where they will participate also.

For further informations concerning the time table of the Court Side Camp and the Coach Clinic please check on www.court-side.com

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