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Letztes Spiel:63:76Sa 15.02.in BambergBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:78:84Sa 01.03.vs HamburgBerichtVideo
Auswärts:Sa 08.03.18:30 Uhrin Bamberg
Heimspiel:So 16.03.16:30 Uhrvs LudwigsburgTickets kaufen

DBB Cup knock-out in the very last second

<img src="/fileadmin/meldungsarchiv/Bilder/team/Spieler/Saison_202002-2003/_23_2013_20Maras/bild_20robert_20h_C3_A4ngend_20am_20korb.jpg" width="150" height="266" border="0" alt="Bester Spieler der OPEL SKYLINERS gegen Gießen - unsere #13 Robert Maras
(Foto: Anna Höpfl)" align="RIGHT" valign="TOP"/> Especially at the beginning of the DBB Cup game against Avitos Gießen at their home arena on Wednesday night the OPEL SKYLINERS clearly ruled and set the pace - not letting the frenetic athmosphere disctract them from their goal to win. The fans, however, just let go and commented every single call of the referees with loud whistling.

During its last minutes the contest turned into a real thriller, climaxing at a score of 77-79 with 2.5 seconds remaining on the game clock when Jukka Mattinen had the chance to tie the game and send it into OT. He had to go on the line after being fouled. Time out for Gießen. Then, Jukka missed the first shot and hence has to miss the second to allow for a rebound. But the ball is cought by Gießen. Game over.

It's the first time in the history of the club that the OPEL SKYLINERS do not join the TOP FOUR. The four teams that will now face each other in the final round of the DBB Cup - the TOP FOUR - are: Avitos Gießen, ALBA Berlin, RheinEnergie Cologne and Telekom Baskets Bonn.

The quarters: 77-79 (23-18, 22-19, 16-21, 16-21)