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Letztes Spiel:85:66Sa 04.01.in Chemnitz Bericht
Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Auswärts:So 19.01.15:00 Uhrin Bonn
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen

Dramatic overtime loss versus Sofia 75-76

Hitchcock-Finish in front of 2.450 spectators in the Ballsporthalle. Without their injured Top Scorers Chris Williams and Robert Garrett the OPEL SKYLINERS lost their first ULEB Cup Home Game in the last seconds of overtime versus bulgarian champion PBC Lukoil Academics Sofia.

Top Scorer: Mario Kasun (20 pts, 10reb)

The Quarters: 75:76 OT (27:14, 13:24, 16:17, 12:13, 7:8)