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Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:70:77So 19.01.in BonnBerichtVideo
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen
Auswärts:Di 11.02.20:00 Uhrin München

Giants lost with 79:93 - OPEL SKYLINERS take the second spot in the BBL

In this game the Bayer Giants were not so big. This was the fourth defeat in the row for the Giants. The OPEL SKYLINERS showed a very good team play. Six players were in double figures. Robert Garrett and Jukka Matinen scored nineteen points (season high Jukka Matinen) and Chris Williams had a double double with twelve points and ten boards.

Top Scorer: Robert Garrett, Jukka Matinen (19)

The quarters: 24:26, 21:22, 17:25, 17:20

Noch 25 Tage

In genau 25 Tagen ist es soweit: Das mit Spannung erwartete VIMODROM TOP FOUR 2025 steht vor der Tür. Für die SYKLINERS…
