Andy_K hat den Channel betreten
Moderator: Hallo an alle, es kann losgehen. Andy freut sich auf eure Fragen.
obibiba sagt: Hallo!
Lenny sagt: hallo
Andy_K sagt: hello!
Selly sagt: hello andy
eike86 sagt: hallo Andy, was machst du an Fitness-und Konditionstraining über das Bb-Training hinaus? Ich spiele selbst auch, möchte aber zusätzlich für den Muskelaufbau etwas tun.
Andy_K sagt: I played volleyball in school, and I also play tennis in the summers.
obibiba sagt: Hello Andy! Thanks a lot for the time you spend with your fans! I hope you'll enjoy it.
Lenny sagt: hi Andy, how are you?
Andy_K sagt: I´m wonderful, thanks for asking!
obibiba sagt: Andy, you're one of the most consistent 3-point-shooters in the league. What is your secret that makes your shots so accurate?
Andy_K sagt: It´s just a lot of practice, I usually take 100-200 extra shots after every practice, and finally they`re going in in games!
eike86 sagt: What's the best way to train in the USA? I'll be staying there for one year and I want to spend a lot of time to train professional
Andy_K sagt: The USA has a lot of great competition, so the best way to practice is to find the good competition. I recommend finding a local university or college...
Andy_K sagt: and trying to find the best competition you can play against, there are MANY good players there so it should be no problem.
Lenny sagt: what´s your goal for sunday?
Andy_K sagt: To win! That`s always the goal! I am looking forward to the game, it should be exciting.
obibiba sagt: Sounds very simple... How many hours of training are on your schedule every day?
Moderator: Wer will, kann seine Fragen auch gerne auf deutsch stellen. Die Antwort kommt dann auch auf Deutsch.
Moderator: Augenblick, der Rechner von Andy ist eingefroren ...
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Andy_K hat den Channel verlassen
Andy_K hat den Channel betreten
Moderator: Weiter geht's da ist unser Star wieder ..
A_ sagt: Hallo Leute...
Lenny sagt: I will be there to support you - you will win!!
Andy_K sagt: sorry about that... we usually practice 3 hours a day (2 practices), and I shoot for 45 minutes extra.
Andy_K sagt: before games we practice less (maybe 90 minutes)
Selly sagt: Andi was denkst du über den sieg in bonn?
Andy_K sagt: Es war ein großartiger Sieg für uns gegen den Tabellenführer.
Andy_K sagt: War eine tolle Stimmung und es war schön zu sehen, dass uns so viele Fans begleitet haben.
A_ sagt: We are proud, Andy...
braindunk sagt: hi Andy, I think this season you improved your performance a lot. what has changed compared to last season ?
Andy_K sagt: last season was very tough because I only played 2 games, and I was not used to this style of basketball. This season I feel much more comfortable, and I get to play much more!
braindunk sagt: what do you think is actually the best team in BBL, or does it change weekly ?
Andy_K sagt: I think it changes weekly. Bonn is the most consistent, but they can definitely be beaten. The top 8 teams all have a chance to win the Playoffs, which makes it very exciting!#
eike86 sagt: Do you know any state that you could recomend?
eike86 sagt: Do you know the Bulls Sox Training Academy in Illinois? If so, do you recomend it?
Andy_K sagt: I don't know the Academy. The larger states are best: California, New York, Florida are all great basketball states.
A_ sagt: What do you think about the derby against Giessen?
Andy_K sagt: It should be awesome. We've played about 5 games against them already (4 practice games), and they are playing well right now, it will be a hard fight!
obibiba sagt: How far can the SKYLINERS get this season? What do you think about the team's potential?
Andy_K sagt: We can go all the way, no question. Like I said before the top 7 or 8 teams all have a chance to win.
Lenny sagt: Who´s the person you like most in your team?
Andy_K sagt: I get along with everyone very well, I don't really have one favorite!
C-Web sagt: Vermißt Du Deine Familie/Freunde in Kanada?
Andy sagt: Ja, sie fehlen mir sehr.
A_ sagt: Stehen wir diese Saison wieder im Top Four?
Andy sagt: Das ist zunächst unser Ziel.
nhlive sagt: Hey Andy. Where in Canada have you lived?
Andy_K sagt: I live in Kitchener (Ontario, near Toronto) but I've lived in Vancouver for 3 years.
Sabrina01 sagt: Do you like Frankfurt?
Andy_K sagt: I like Frankfurt very much, it's especially nice because so many people here speak English.
nhlive sagt: Seriously?? I have lived in Vancouver for 2 years!! I lived in West Vancouver! British Properties! You know?
Andy_K sagt: I lived in Burnaby, I played at Simon Fraser University for 3 years...
eike86 sagt: How old have you been when you started playing? How long did it take you play quite good?
nhlive sagt: cool..thats weird..
PS2Freak sagt: Hi
Andy_K sagt: I started playing when I was 10 years old.
eike86 sagt: Thanks and good luck and success on Sunday! Good-bye
Andy_K sagt: Thanks alot!
Lenny sagt: it´s gonna be hard to win against cologne, what do you think of them?
Andy_K sagt: I think they are a good team, but we are also very good, they will be mad at us because we beat them at Cologne!
Moderator: Andy entspannt gerade mal seine Finger ....
Moderator: scheint etwas müde zu sein ....
nhlive sagt: hey andy..where do you live here? u live in this jail next to the stadium or anywhere else?
nhlive sagt: lol
braindunk sagt: I believe the most important on Sunday will be to control Obradovic and Arigbabou.
Lenny sagt: and Bogojevic!
obibiba sagt: Hopefully, they'll be even more mad when they've lost again on Sunday...
Andy_K sagt: I live in near NordWestZentrum, not in the jail, we call it 'Alcatraz'!
braindunk sagt: yes, Lenny, Bogojevic too !
Andy_K sagt: That's right! We can definitely beat them, we just have to play like we are capable of.
Lenny sagt: I think cologne is too mad to lose again!
Andy_K sagt: Obradovic is a fantastic player, Kukic is another big worry for us.. especially for me because I have to guard him!
braindunk sagt: aren't we mad too ?!
obibiba sagt: What are your goals for the next years? NBA?
Lenny sagt: zoran the turban
Andy_K sagt: I guess we're mad too, but it's not always the Mad team that wins... sometimes you have to be calm.
Andy_K sagt: For the next years I just want to become a great player here in Europe, and keep playing as long as I enjoy it!
nhlive sagt: andy? whom in the team do you like best? like..mario's best friends are like travis and stipo..whose are yours?
braindunk sagt: okay, Andy, thanks a lot ! go on having great matches with the Skyliners an have a good time !
nhlive sagt: oh ok...u live near the u dont hav a long way to the practise ;)
Andy_K sagt: Like I said before, I get along with everyone, I'd say I'd hang out most with Jukka, Dave, and Travis
Andy_K sagt: We practice most times at Titus Thermen in NWZ, so I actually have it very close to practice.
Andy_K sagt: thanks braindunk
Lenny sagt: do all the players have nicknames?
Andy_K sagt: most of the players have nicknames.
obibiba sagt: Do you think it's a handicap that you have to play in Braunschweig again?
Andy_K sagt: Yes, I think it's a little unfair because it is such a long trip, and now we have to make it on a Wednesday.
Lenny sagt: how do your collegues call you?
Andy_K sagt: just as a joke sometimes they call me 'Polish Rifle', if I had a good game
obibiba sagt: I hope, it's not going to affect the rest of the season too much.
Andy_K sagt: I hope not, it's tough because they are a very good team, and travelling that far makes it even harder.
nhlive sagt: hey andy! do u hav an e-mail adress?
Moderator: Wenn du Fragen an Andy hast, kannst du gerne an schreiben. Wir leiten die E-Mail dann gerne weiter.
Lenny sagt: what´s your favourite music?
Andy_K sagt: Depends on what mood I am in, I listen to old school Sum 41, and Snoop before games... other times I listen to Ben Harper and the radio.
obibiba sagt: I promise that some members of the fan club (including me) will be in Braunschweig again. Hope this helps!
Andy_K sagt: That's very nice of you! I hope this time we will finish the game!
Lenny sagt: otherwise you can do some dancing!
Andy_K sagt: ha ha ha!
obibiba sagt: I hope so, too! I don't know whether I'll be there for a third time!
Moderator: Wenn ihr keine Fragen mehr habt, entlassen wir Andy in seinen Feierabend.
obibiba sagt: Andy, thanks a lot for being with us. I wish you and the team good luck for the game on Sunday! CU there!
Andy_K sagt: OK, thanks everyone for chatting! We'll see you Sunday!!
Lenny sagt: jthanks for your time!
obibiba sagt: And don't forget: show us the 'Polish Rifle'... ;)
Lenny sagt: yeah!!
Andy_K sagt: just for you guys, I'll try to bring out the Rifle.
Lenny sagt: Bye bye
Andy_K sagt: bye everyone, have a nice night.
Andy_K hat den Channel verlassen
Moderator: Ihr könnt noch weiter chatten ...
Moderator: Bye