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New faces in the Ballsporthalle ? The announcers Jurgen and Roland

Unsere beiden neuen Hallensprecher - Jurgen Rasper (li) und Roland Boros (re) From October 4th on, there will be two new faces or rather voices at all home games of the OPEL SKYLINERS - two young men moderating the games from the hr3 stage in the Ballsporthalle. We would like to shortly introduce them to you. And should you have any suggestions for them just write in the message board of our website.

Jurgen Rasper

... is 27 years old and has been moderating radio shows for hr3 for 6 years. As for radio show, Jurgen has done pretty much anything. Mainly, he moderates chart shows but he is also on the road as reporter for outdoor happenings such as the "hr3-Club", disco parties or similar events.

He is really looking forward to this new challenge to moderate the games of the OPEL SKYLINERS at the Ballsporthalle together with his hr3 colleague Roland Boros. He attended a number of games at the Ballsporthalle from the first season on and has seen the excitement of the fans growing every year.

"Building the connections between the Fans and the team is an exciting challenge which I am really looking for. I hope, we will see many great and thrilling games in the upcoming season and that the OPEL SKYLINERS will rank at the very top at the end!"

Roland Boros

... has been on the road for the hr3 since 2000. Usually, you find him as moderator of outdoor happenings and events, such as "Sound of Frankfurt" or "Iron Man" In the stations programme you can hear him as voice imitator, e.g. of Inge Meysel, Herbert Gronemeyer or Dieter Bohlen ...

He has been involved with the OPEL SKYLINERS for a while. However, as spectator. Now, he wants to create an exciting atmosphe himself and is looking for thrilling games, enthusiastic fans and a shaking arena.

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