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Letztes Spiel:63:76Sa 15.02.in BambergBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:78:84Sa 01.03.vs HamburgBerichtVideo
Auswärts:Sa 08.03.18:30 Uhrin Bamberg
Heimspiel:So 16.03.16:30 Uhrvs LudwigsburgTickets kaufen

OPEL SKYLINERS dominate in Wurzburg

With a final score of 55-95 the OPEL SKYLINERS celebrated a truely clear and at no point jeopardized win over the X-Rays.This is the team's second highest win ever. While the Frankfurt team already started very concentrated into the contest, Wurzburg did now find their own pace and was running behind looking at a steadily growing leeway throughout the whole game.

Especially motivated and keen on winning was Robert Garrett who scored a game-high 25 points - 16 alone in the 3rd quarter.

Best players from among our team: Robert Garrett (25 points, 5-of-6 two-pointers, 4-of-5 three-pointers, 3 assists) followed by another 4 players who scored in the doubles, Pascal Roller (14 points), Andy Kwiatkowski (12 points), Jukka Matinen (11 points) and Ray Weathers (10 points).

The quarters: 55-95 (7-22, 16-21, 19-31, 13-21)