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Letztes Spiel:84:91So 29.12.vs MünchenBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:85:66Sa 04.01.in Chemnitz Bericht
Heimspiel:So 12.01.18:00 Uhrvs BerlinTickets kaufen
Auswärts:So 19.01.15:00 Uhrin Bonn

OPEL SKYLINERS lose in Lasko by 81-85 (38-45)

In game day 3 in the ULEB Cup (group B), the OPEL SKYLINERS had to leave the points to the Slowenian team from KK Pivovarna Lasko in a very thrilling and tense game. Shortly prior to the end of the fourth quarter, the Frankfurt team was holding a slim lead of 81-76 with 2 minutes remaining, when the home team took advantage of a Frankfurt turnover and successfully knocked down two shots from beyond the arc, outscoring the Hessians 81-85. Stipo Papic was injured on his eye during the contest. New in the team of the OPEL SKYLINERS is Richard Price who came in the contest for absent Dominik Hennen.

The quarters: 22-24, 16-21, 23-21, 20-19

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