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OPEL SKYLINERS meet Real Madrid and Pippo Milano in the ULEB Cup

www.ulebcup.com It's going to be a very tough competition: in the new ULEB Cup Season, beginning on November 11th, the team of the OPEL SKYLINERS will play in Group A against big names as Real Madrid and Pippo Milano.

Among the other opponents in the group, that were se- lected in the ULEB draw on monday, are KK Zagreb, Ricoh Astronauts Amsterdam and the bulgarian champion Lukoil Academic Sophia.

OPEL SKYLINERS General Manager Gunnar Wöbke: "We play in a very strong group with big names. Just think of Real Madrid, who are among the favorites for the ULEB Cup, or Pippo Milano. The list of our renowned opponents is com- pleted by the bulgarian champion Lukoil Academic and the croation top team KK Zagreb. Our fans in the Ballsporthalle can look forward to thrilling games against european top teams."

And that's how the ULEB Cup is played:

The 36 competing teams are divided into six groups, six teams each. The first two teams from each group and the four best teams on third place will qualify for the playoffs. The playoffs will be played out in a K.O. system (home and away games), starting on February 2004.

The ULEB Cup Final (single game) takes place on April 13th 2004.