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OPEL SKYLINERS present Court Side Camp in Basketball City

www.court-side.com On the lookout for new talents, the OPEL SKYLINERS and the famous players agency Court Side organise a Summer Camp from 4th-6th of July in Basketball City Mainhattan.

The Camp will be attended by Court Side President Dejan Vidicki. In the interview the 39 year old former sports journalist and coach of the dutch women Basketball Team "Damahls" tells us about his plans and visions in Frankfurt.

There may be some readers who do not know Court Side. Could you explain the origins of your organisation?

Court Side is one of the biggest players agencies in the world. It was founded in 1997. Now 25 agents are working for us, representing over 400 players. Among them are Jovo Stanojevic (ALBA Berlin) , Geert Hammink, C.C. Harrison (both RheinEnergie Cologne), Evaldas Jocys, Steve Ibens (both Brandt Hagen), Terrel Castle (EWE Baskets Oldenburg) and Joakim Blom (TXU Energie Braunschweig).

And what about NBA players?

We try to get more influence in the NBA. At the time Court Side cooperates with Bill Pollack, who represents NBA stars like Chris Mullin, Dennis Rodman, Jason Williams or George McCleod.

In 1998 you organised the first Summer Camp in Budapest. Why?

There are a lot of young talented players who are not known, because they come from small east european countries. They do not play Euroleague or Olympic Games. The Summer Camp gives them the opportunity to showcase their skills in front of important coaches and managers from all over Europe and the NBA.

The Court Side Camps were always organised in Hungary. Now you decided for a change. What made you select Frankfurt and the OPEL SKYLINERS?

Harry Kip, Vice President of Court Side and as an agent responsible for Germany, mentioned that Frankfurt would be a great city for a Camp - and he was right. The whole infrastructure of the team is very impressive. The Management is on european Top-Level. Very motivated, ambitioned and very well organised. When there was a question, they had the answer in an hour. With other clubs you have to wait for weeks. Also the OPEL SKYLINERS are future oriented and give a lot of support to young players. With Basketball City Mainhattan they have started a unique project in Europe. There everything is together: Basketballcourt, Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping Malls...

How is the Court Side Camp organised?

It will be run as a tournament, where eight teams are competing against each other. Two teams, the "Challengers" and the "All Stars", have a special status. They are made up of young players from all over Europe, who are 21 or younger. These teams will play one match against each other and can further be watched during the Coach Clinic, where they will participate also.

Can fans watch the Court SideCamp, too?

If one or two fans are coming, we won't throw them out. But originally this is only a business event for coaches, scouts and managers.

What is the difference between Summer Camps in Europe and the Camps in the USA?

The Camps in the United States are Ego-Shows. Everybody's playing only for himself in order to get a job, while in european camps we show team basketball with great passes and defense. And that is good, because coaches don't like egocentric players. They like teamplayers.

There will als be an international Coach Clinic in Basketball City Mainhattan, run by the DBB, the OPEL SKYLINERS and Court Side. Who will be teaching at the Clinic?

Gordon Herbert, Headcoach of the OPEL SKYLINERS. He was our first choice. The other international top coaches, who will teach their basketball philosophy, are Gary Waters (Rutgers University) and Marco Crespi (Scavolini Pesaro).

What are the future plans of Court Side?

If the Camp in Frankfurt turns out to be a success, we will run a Camp there every year in cooperation with the OPEL SKYLINERS. Our long term goal is to promote the european basketball to the top level. European players are already on the rise internationally, especially in the NBA, because they are more skilled and disciplined than young american players.

We thank Dejan Vidicki for this interview and wish him all the best for the future.