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OPEL SKYLINERS sign Andy Kwiatkowski

Kommt fur drei Jahre nach Frankfurt - Andy Kwiatkowski The Canadian national team player is coming to Frankfurt for three years. The 23 year-old owns a Polish passport and is supposed to support the team on position 3 and 4 as Bosman-B player. Kwiatkowski had already been with the OPEL SKYLINERS for a short period last spring.

With the long-term signing of Andy Kwiatkowski the OPEL SKYLINERS have made another important step on their way to become a top team in the future. The range of youthful and exceptionally talented players to choose from is now even wider.

With the agile forward from Canada the play of the Frankfurt team will become more versatile. Moreover, the OPEL SKYLINERS now have a large pool of players, who will secure a steady quality over the whole season - also in the case of injury or illness absences.

One strong American still must be added to the roster. And yet, by deliberately doing without the second American, the OPEL SKYLINERS are obviously counting on their youthful mix, allowing any of their players good playing time and much responsibility.

Canadian national team player with World Championship experience

The one Canadian national team player who by far showed the best performance during preparations for the World Championship was Andy Kwiatkowski. Gordon Herbert, who was with the Canadian national team as assistant coach could convince himself.

Due to a hand injury shortly before the World Championships in Indianapolis, Andy Kwiatkowski could not be in the Canadian line-up. A real pity for the 23 year-old Canadian, as they later found out that his injury was not as bad as diagnosed in the first place.

Andy Kwiatkowski with team in Gravelines, France

His injury has long been cured and now Kwiatkowski?s focus is completely set on season preparation with the OPEL SKYLINERS. Right after his arrival in Frankfurt, he travelled with the team to their second pre-season training camp. In Gravelines, France, the team put hard practise and games against French top teams on their training schedule.

Remarkable appearances last spring

Andy Kwiatkowski already had the chance to play with the OPEL SKYLINERS last spring, when he more than just conviced critics with his performance. The forward proved his shooting skills at the away game against Oldenburg as well as in the cup semi finals against Trier.

Head coach Gordon Herbert: "Andy is a great guy and an outstanding basketball player, who will certainly bring our team further. He plays very well on position 3 and 4, with good drive towards the basket, he is athletic and enriches our game with his excellent shooting percentage out of the paint."

Manager Gunnar Wobke: "With Andy Kwiatkowski everything comes together: his quality as a player, his character and integrity, plus the fact that he has commited himself to the team for several years and already lives our philosophy. He is a perfect addition to our currently fairly deep team considering the skilled double licence players in our roster."

Andy Kwiatkowski: "Here in Frankfurt, I would like to grow as a professional player and develop my career further in the long term. The whole atmosphere and the fans are unbelievable. I am really looking forward to the upcoming season, especially because I already know some of the players."