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OPEL SKYLINERS take on Braunschweig on the road

The Rhein-Main area is getting ready for the Top Four, but the OPEL SKYLINERS have to be careful not to be swept away in the euphoria of the upcoming event in the Ballsporthalle on May 7 & 8. There are still three Bundesliga games to be played before the Top Four and on Saturday, Frankfurt meets 12th place Braunschweig at 20:00 in the Volkswagen Arena. The team from Niedersachsen has no chance to reach the playoffs and is in no danger of being regulated from the BBL. These are always difficult games, because the opponent has nothing to loose and often plays a lot better than usual. This is something that Frankfurt will have to counter with. "At this point of the season, it does not matter who we play, we need to win and get the highest position possible in the playoffs. Our players know that and they will be highly motivated for Braunschweig", said assistant coach Simon Cote.

Captain Pascal Roller will play in his 280th BBL game. In the first game at home against Braunschweig, Roller was able to score 20 points and sink five three pointers. With this strong game, he led the OPEL SKYLINERS to a 80 to 63 victory. He knows exactly what the team will encounter and has a answer towards gaining a second win against them. "It is never easy to play in the Volkswagen Arena and they have nothing to loose, but we will be on a good way if we can make them believe early that they can´t beat us."

Braunschweig started the season with a lot of hope with a victory against powerhouse ALBA Berlin. However in late December, the team managed to loose six games in a row and they were in danger of being regulated. Head coach Ken Scalabroni was fired and ex national coach Henrik Dettmann from Finnland was hired. With his leadership and the strength of center Marko Jovanovic, the team began to play better and saved itself from regulation for the BBL for next season. They won the last game against Karlsruhe with 98 to 88.

Braunschweig has a team that can surprise any team in the BBL at any time. They are led by American forward Adam Hall, who has played in the ABA in the States. They are also the only team that has a player with an NBA championship ring. Guard John Celestand won the NBA titel with the Los Angeles Lakers. Forward Ibrahim Diarra explains that Braunschweig can rely on more than only one center with Marco Jovanovic. "They have played a lot better recently and their center Joakim Blom, who I know from the Swedish national team, is a very good player. They play with a lot of confidence and we will really have to be focused to beat them." Frankfurt will also have to be aware of the Slovenian forward Zeljko Zagorac and American guard Peter Lisicky, who has experience from playing in Switzerland.

The OPEL SKYLINERS seems to be getting in Top Four and playoff shape as the BBL season is winding down. The center play is starting to get better and the diligent work from assistant coach Simon Cote seems to be making strides. With the good transition of guard Kavossy Franklin to the BBL play, it gives the OPEL SKYLINERS a lot more options of using certain players in other roles. For example workhorse point guard Pascal Roller could be rested in some of the last games with a Kavossy Franklin playing so well. Roller will need to be as fit as possible for the playoffs. Chris Williams continues to play like a BBL MVP and with Tyrone Ellis expected back for the Top Four, this basketball team will be a threat to win the Top Four as well as the BBL title. Chris Williams has continued to maintain the same solution for success all season long. "We simply have to continue to work hard in practice and with our hustle in practice, it will translate over into the games."

This is the first year for Murat Didin as coach in Frankfurt. There are already speculations that he may next coach in his home country Turkey at Besiktas Istanbul. However, this type of rumor has not distracted Didan from his duty as headcoach of the OPEL SKYLINERS. At the moment he has only one goal. "Braunschweig has a good coach and a very dangerous team. We will need very strong effort, increase our intensity and improve our rebounding. That will be the key to victory." Coach Didin knows what is at stake and he will have a well prepared team ready for this road match. Frankfurt wants the best possible position in the standings and that translates only into winning every single game the rest of the way.

Miles Schmidt-Scheuber reporting for the OPEL SKYLINERS