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Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:70:77So 19.01.in BonnBerichtVideo
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen
Auswärts:Di 11.02.20:00 Uhrin München

OPEL SKYLINERS win the game in Braunschweig in the last period - 79:63

The OPEL SKYLINERS games are always thrilling. Also in this game in Braunschweig. The game was close till the beginning of the last period. But Ellis and Roller hit there three point shots in the crunch time and won the game against Energy Braunschweig.

Top Scorer: Mario Kasun (22pts., 8rbs.)

The quarters: 17:22, 20:12, 18:17, 8:28