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Pascal Roller stays in Frankfurt!

Pascal Roller bleibt zwei weitere Jahre bei den OPEL SKYLINERS The new year has started with an important step for the OPEL SKYLINERS.

The renewal of the contract with the 26 year-old national team player is a key personnel decision for the Hessian team. Pascal Roller is considered a cornerstone of the team and a prototype for the basketball concept of the OPEL SKYLINERS.

OPEL SKYLINERS head coach Gordon Herbert: "Pascal Roller is the foundation for our future. Around him, we want to build our team. He is an exceptional young man with character and great values. Pascal Roller has charisma. He is very popular and has had a formidable last season. Roller is captain of the OPEL SKYLINERS and a true team leader. Pascal is a classic example of the kind of players we are looking for."

The 1,80 meter tall play maker has been with the Frankfurt team from its founding days on. Before, he has already been with the BTI Langen. In 1999, at the age of 22, Roller started with the OPEL SKYLINERS and finished that same season winning the German Cup.

Since then, Pascal Roller, who was born in Heidelberg, has developed into an identification figure known far beyond the borders of Frankfurt and the Rhein-Main region.

Winning the bronze medal at the Basketball World Championship in Indianapolis in summer 2002 was certainly his greatest professional achievement. With the renewal of his contract with the OPEL SKYLINERS over another two seasons this development is supposed to prosper further.

OPEL SKYLINERS general manager Gunnar Wobke: "I'm very glad that we came to the agreement to prematurely renew the contact with Pascal Roller. Besides Kai Nurnberger, he has been with the team from its very beginning here in Frankfurt. Pascal is working hard on himself, he has grown with us as a player and a person, and become a A-national player with the OPEL SKYLINERS. As an integration personality in the Rhein-Main region (Olympia ambassador of the city of Frankfurt) he embodies what our concept of the Basketball Academy Rhein-Main stands for. Pascal is a great example for young and talented basketball players, who want to grow into professional top players by working hard and focused. He has constantly challenged and improved himself and promises to become a great team leader."