On Friday, October 4th, you could actually hold it in your own hands when attending the first game of the new season at the Ballsporthalle in Frankfurt, Hochst - the brand new season magazine of the OPEL SKYLINERS. For only Euro 2,- you will receive tons of information about your team: Learn anything about the players, the BARM Basketball Akademie Rhein-Main, read reviews of the last season as well as previews of the new season, and find out what it means to be a SkyBembels fan. You won't miss anything!
Nach dem starken Heimsieg gegen Gießen wartet auf Team Frankfurt direkt die nächste Herausforderung: Am Sonntag, den 11.…
Die wichtigsten Informationen rund um unser Heimspiel am kommenden Sonntag, den 12. Januar gegen ALBA BERLIN (18.00 Uhr)…