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Letztes Spiel:63:76Sa 15.02.in BambergBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:78:84Sa 01.03.vs HamburgBerichtVideo
Auswärts:Sa 08.03.18:30 Uhrin Bamberg
Heimspiel:So 16.03.16:30 Uhrvs LudwigsburgTickets kaufen

The OPEL SKYLINERS lost the game in the last period - 74:80

This was the third road game defeat for the OPEL SKYLINERS in a row. But they are still on rank four in the BBL. The reason why the OPEL SKYLINERS lost this game is clear. They shot only 4 from 25 from the three point line. This was the worst result in this season. Best player was Chris Williams with his eight double double in this season.

Top Scorer: Chris Williams (22)

The quarters: 11:21, 25:18, 15:19, 29:16