Tyrone, how was your stay in San Francisco?
It was good and it was my first time to the Bay area. The weather was great and I had a really good time there.
Why did you go to San Francisco? Did the OPEL SKYLINERS have some specialist there?
My agent has a specialist there and he is one of the best. Two hours prior to operating on me, he operated on Barry Bonds (famous baseball player, likely to break the alltime homerun record of Henry Aaron of 755 homeruns). He is really well known in the States and that was a really good treat for me. I was relieved to know that I was in really good hands with him.
Did you at least get to meet Barry Bonds?
No I didn´t, after the surgery Barry left so that was unfortunate.
Was this the first time you had an operation like this during your playing career?
Yes it was.
You were not too nervous before the operation?
I was a bit. Things can only go bad and I just prayed and put my faith in God. Once you do that, you have nothing to worry about.
When you were away in the States, it was anticipated that you would be back in April but coach Didin joked and said most likely May. However, you surprised everyone by returning in March.
I was really missing my teammates and being around the guys. So I thought if I could do the same thing here with the rehabilitation that I was doing in the States, why not come back early. I also missed the fans so much. They have showed me so much love and continue to show me so much love. They keep telling me that they can´t wait until I`m back on the court.
How difficult is it not playing for the OPEL SKYLINERS for such a long time?
It is really difficult because I have never been hurt like this before. Hopefully, I can come back the same Tyrone as before. At least I plan to. To see my teammates struggle so is really hard for me
Mentally, this time away from the court must be really difficult. How do you cope with it?
I pray. In the bible, it says worry about nothing and still pray about everything. I thank God for his blessing.
Explain a typical day for you in Germany, now with your rehabilitating schedule.
I wake up in the morning and go to a rehab center and spend about three to four hours. Then I go back to our practice gym. I swim and lift weights. I lift weights Monday, Wednesday and Friday and swim everyday. I have to do this to stay in shape.
What did you miss most about Germany when you were in the United States?
My team. I missed my extended family. We all like each other and this is really important.
Were you able to follow the team as you were in the States? Was it really difficult being an onlooker from so far away?
I stayed in contact with the team and talked a lot with Chris Williams. He kept tabs on everything for me and filled me in on who did what and what was funny.
Why did you not go home to Dallas when you were in the States?
I flew into San Francisco on a Friday and had surgery on the following Monday. After the surgery I was so doped up and had so much pain that I did nothing except rest. I recuperated from the injury for two weeks and then for the next two or three weeks I did rehab everyday. So there was no real time for me to go to Dallas. However, on the weekend I did see my daughter. I focused on recuperating on my injury. The important thing was to see my daughter. I can see everyone else later.
When you were in San Francisco, were you able to catch any NBA games of the Sacremento Kings or Golden State Warriors?
Yes, I did. My agent is from that area. He took me to some Golden State Warrior games. I met some people and just hung out with them.
The OPEL SKYLINERS have a new player, Kavossy Franklin. During the press conference, he was asked if he knew you and he said that your name was familiar. He is from Houston, not too far from Dallas. Did you ever meet him before?
No, I didn´t. He told me he remembered me from the Summer League and the NBBL. Kavossy is older than me. Players are constantly looking in the internet to see what player is doing what. It could have been a number of things where he actually saw me.
Are you happy that Frankfurt signed Kavossy Franklin?
I definitely am. The team needs that sparkplug and any postive help, toward us winning championship, is welcomed.
During games, it is very noticeable that you are very vocal on the bench. You are giving players tips and just helping out. You must have aspirations of becoming a coach when your playing days are over?
Yes. I got my masters in education so I can coach and teach if I want to. I am vocal anyway as a player and on the bench. We have so many young players. Every little bit of advice that I can give them, I do so.
What do you miss most about basketball?
I miss sweating and just doing what I love to do, play basketball. Since this injury, I will never take basketball for granted again. Until you are actually injured, you just assume you will play everyday. But that is not the case, it could all be over really quick or you may have a small setback within the blink of an eye. Allen Iverson always said that and I never really understood until I got this injury.
You like the music of Michael Jackson. Have you been following the trial of Michael Jackson?
I hope and pray that it is not true, but if it is true, he deserves what the court gives him. I have a daughter and just to think about the accusations disgusts me. I do realize that there are people in society that are vindictive and that money is the rid of all evil. I don´t know and can´t really judge it since the trial is still going on. I am not a fool, I know there are people that do gross things like that.
The fans miss you very much! What message do you want to give them?
I thank them for all the support! They have been with me through thick and thin. I also thank my true fans. There are the ones that jump on the bandwagon and then the true fans that always believe in you. That makes my stay in Frankfurt so great.
You have had contact with Golden State. However, you have said you would love to be in Frankfurt next season. Is that realistic?
I never say never. I hope Frankfurt will get some more sponsors. Frankfurt is a great city. The fans are great and I love them. However, as a professional athlete, tomorrow is never promised. You have to do what is best for your family and try to make as much money as possible. You are only going to play at a high level for five to seven years. I am known for my athletic ability, but once that starts to dwindle, so does my pay. But who knows what will happen. I would love to stay in Frankfurt.
Didin is doing a great job as coach. You have been watching the games and from your standpoint, what do the OPEL SKYLINERS need to do to repeat as champions?
You win championships by having a great point man and a great big man. That is how championship teams are built around. The rest of the players can be replaced, but the most important piece of the puzzle is the point guard and the big guy. Our big guys have to become consistent. We have great games where the big guys are dominant, but then again games where they are passive. Our big guys have to be more consistent and the young guys have to learn. If you`re not learning from your mistakes that is bad. There are times when we continue to make the same mistakes over and over. We are still young and we have 18 and 19 year old guys playing big minutes.
You must be really pleased with the development of one of the young guys, Alex King?
Yes, Alex is developing great this year. I think my injury may have been a blessing in disguise for him. Otherwise, I think he would have still been playing in Kronberg. Alex is putting a lot of time in at the gym and it is really paying off for him.
What do you want to be doing in Frankfurt in mid june this year?
CELEBRATING with the fans and just enjoying the moment once again like last year - that was great!
Miles Schmidt-Scheuber reporting for the OPEL SKYLINERS