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Letztes Spiel:84:91So 29.12.vs MünchenBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:85:66Sa 04.01.in Chemnitz Bericht
Heimspiel:So 12.01.18:00 Uhrvs BerlinTickets kaufen
Auswärts:So 19.01.15:00 Uhrin Bonn

Unbelievable, fantastic...- Fans and Team celebrate Basketball

ALBA begins the game very focused but runs out of energy during this quick-start. Then our young guns come back and turn around the game. They fight, hustle, dive for every ball and reduce the difference point for point.

With the upcoming intensity on the field the Fans start to run wild and the Ballsporthalle starts shaking and baking like a volcano. 5002 Fans start a Laola which keeps running and running when 41:30 lead is reached,. Meanwhile our team dominates ALBA more and more.

In the last quarter everybody is partying, singing, claping and dancing.

The quarters: 87:74 (15:21, 35:12, 19:18, 18:23)

Wer war's

Jeder hat eine Geschichte oder Geheimnis zu verbergen? In unserem neuen Format "Wer wars" lüften wir die geheimen…
