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Letztes Spiel:84:91So 29.12.vs MünchenBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:85:66Sa 04.01.in Chemnitz Bericht
Heimspiel:So 12.01.18:00 Uhrvs BerlinTickets kaufen
Auswärts:So 19.01.15:00 Uhrin Bonn

We danced with the wolves 87:80 (44:39)

Robert Garrett (26 points) and Pascal Roller (17) lead our team to a 87:80 road win over the MBC. Our new Forward Chris Wiliams netted 15 points, Robert Maras 8.

Mario Kasun had 10, Malick Badiane 9 Rebounds. Guard Tyron Ellis missed the game because of a hurt knee.

The quarters: 17:17, 27:22, 23:15, 20:26

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