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Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:70:77So 19.01.in BonnBerichtVideo
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen
Auswärts:Di 11.02.20:00 Uhrin München

Where do they surf? OPEL SKYLINERS Stars in holidays

Our Finish Playboy went home for a family visit and may have spent some time going fishing at the finish lakes. Now Jukka is concentrating on a net again, that hangs 3, 05 meters high in the air. In August he battles the German National Team.

German National Coach Henrik Dettmann is returning to his home country for some practice before the European Championship starts on September the 5th. The Four Nations Tournament in Tampere, Finland, (August 7th.-9th.) should be a warm-up lesson for the German Top-Scorers, who compete against Russia, Estonia and of course home team Finland.

This constellation may lead to a duel between Jukka Matinen and his OPEL SKYLINERS colleagues Robert Maras and Pascal Roller. When it comes to this, you can bet that Jukka will be highly motivated, because he and his team mates want to prove, that they are among the Top Teams in Europe - although they did not qualify for the European Championship.

We will keep you informed about the outcome of this suspenseful Four Nation Tournament.

Noch 25 Tage

In genau 25 Tagen ist es soweit: Das mit Spannung erwartete VIMODROM TOP FOUR 2025 steht vor der Tür. Für die SYKLINERS…
