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Letztes Spiel:61:75So 12.01.vs BerlinBerichtVideo
Letztes Spiel:70:77So 19.01.in BonnBerichtVideo
Heimspiel:Sa 08.02.18:30 Uhrvs GöttingenTickets kaufen
Auswärts:Di 11.02.20:00 Uhrin München

OPEL SKYLINERS made it close again - 67:61

Good job guys - this victory was very necessary! After the surprising home victory, in front of 3.120 fans against the favourite Breil Milano, our team has still the chance to get in the next round in the ULEB Cup.

Top Scorer: Pascal Roller (22pts, 5/6 3pts.)

The quarters: 17:18, 23:13, 10:15, 17:15